Friday, July 13, 2012

Forging Ahead

(OK, this picture is at least a little cool. This was at Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh when I was backpacking in '09.)

I'm restarting this blog for what I hope will be a life-changing next 6 months.

I thought long and hard about what to title this next evolution of my blog and got stuck with one word.


  1. Make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and beating or hammering it.
  2. Move forward gradually or steadily.

This would be a time where I would forge a new path, off the common road. After spending a year and a half working in market research and being afraid that I'd wake up 30 years-old one day and discover that I had settled and become complacent, I realized that my dream career did not exist and that I would have to create it.

Forge it.

Like a machete-wielding Indiana Jones. Or a submarine-adventuring Captain Nemo.

I'm both excited and nervous about the prospect of going off the beaten path and, God willing, forging not just a new path, but perhaps a new me as well. Excited because for the first time in my life, I have the freedom and ability to pursue the things I love most (more on that later). Nervous because like any other finely-crafted metal product, I expect the product of my pathfinding to be forged with fire and adversity. I can already see a few potential flare-ups. Running out of money. Malaria. Losing/breaking equipment. Getting robbed. Diarrhea. Getting lost.

But hopefully, success or failure, I'll come out the other end and be able to say that I tried.

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