Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 0 and 1 in Honduras!

Hi all!

I'm currently in San Pedro Sula, Honduras for a volunteer/missions trip with 10 other UCLA friends. It'll be a good trip to get some perspective on how the Third World lives and breathes, especially after graduating.

Our team got into San Pedro Sula yesterday at around noon with pretty much no hiccups (PTL!) The weather is ridiculously warm and humid, but that`s to be expected. We checked into the place we`re staying at, which is ridiculously nice cuz it has AC and a pool, went to the Honduran version of Costco to pick up fruit and water, and had dinner (baleadas for a total of $2!).

Today, we went to two local church services where we shared testimonies and JLai, Zach, Lainey, and I did some worship songs in English and Spanish. At one of the churches, a group of children from the cardboard villages did a dance performance and it was just awesome to see how much heart they out into it. Apparently, they had walked two miles in the heat just to come to church.

We just had lunch at Taco Pollo, a chicken place next to our hostel, and soon we'll be heading to the cardboard villages we'll be working in to learn how to install water filters :]

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