Friday, March 1, 2013

Facts, Figures, and Tidbits From The Past 6 Months

Countries visited - 14

Visas issued - 10

Cities visited - 34

Currencies used - 15

Pyramids seen - 6

Cups of Ethiopian Buna (coffee) drunk - 11

Number of Times Jessi Fell in the Toilet - 2

Flights taken - 14

Total Number of Flight Hours - 64

Courses of Antibiotics taken - 4

Long-Distance Trains boarded - 17

Total Number of Hours Spent on Trains - 240

Number of Trains derailed - 1

Caterpillars eaten with undigested leaves - 7

Long-Distance Buses sat on - 12

Total Number of Hours Spent on Buses - 107

Elephants fed - 9

Photos and Videos taken - 21,304

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