Monday, July 16, 2012

The Journey

In 2011, sometime during my one and a half year stint at a market research firm, I realized that my summer volunteer trips to Honduras had made me want to do more with my life outside of the corporate bubble I was in. My buddy James and I decided it was about time to see the world for a bit and began planning a once-in-a-lifetime trip. This manifested into the map/itinerary above. And then, sometime into the planning process, we wanted to do more than just travel and invest in ourselves. An idea about filming a documentary was born. We didn't have much of a clue as to how we would go about doing this, but we knew it would be about the world. About people. 

So then this happened.

We are 80% self-supported and are trying to fundraise for the last bit. Please consider supporting us and becoming a storyteller with us!

With love,

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